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Wedding decor with Candles

So you have your venue picked out, colors selected and are working on planning the little details to enhance your decor.

Incorporating Soy candles into your wedding decor is Eco Friendly and can be an inexpensive, and classy way to evoke a feeling of romance and create intimate ambiance. Plus by decorating this way, it saves by not having to use many costly floral centrepieces.

Some of the more typical ways to use candles for your big day include: votives or tealights in glass holders placed at your reception tables. make sure these are strategically placed to avoid potential of burning overhead flowers or leaves!
If your reception is being held outdoors, place tealights in mason jars, either on your tables or wrapped in wire, hung up.
Place candles in restrooms, a great way to add style to a seemingly stale place.
A lovely way to honor someone who has passed and could not be here. Try a tall glass candle with a photo or inscription wrapped around it.
Avoid tall taper candles. They are MESSY!, typically dripping wax all over tablecloths, flowers and even yourself!. Pillar candles can also invoke the same mess. The promise of dripless candles are just that, a promise. If any kind of draft, breeze blows by, these candles become a mess of wax.

We offer a lot of ideas on our Pinterest board. From Rustic wedding decor to classy, there is so much to find and try out.

Along with your style of candle, consider adding a scent. Just like your flowers, your guests will remember the fragrance. Consider a few things when choosing a scent; your location and the time of year.
For Spring & Summer weddings, choose softer notes like Jasmine, Rose or Lavender And for the Fall & Winter, spice and wood notes such as Sandalwood, Frankincense and Ginger will warm up any event.

Beware, however, the overpowering nature of hundreds of scented candles. If you do choose scented options, and you’ll want to carefully consider that, choose only a few and mix them with unscented plain candles of the same color. You want your guests to pick up on a hint of a fragrance, not be completely overwhelmed by one

If you are mixing different scented candles, make sure each is in a different location. The scent in your reception could differ from that in your dining area. The restroom is also a great place to put some.

Feeling overwhelmed with ideas, we can help. From creating a custom color on your candles to selecting the perfect scent, we can help create something fabulous for your special day.

Wedding Candles

Coming up on my wedding anniversary, I still fondly remember the day as if it was yesterday. It was 11 years ago, on a VERY hot July day. We tried to keep our event small and intimate and put a personal touch on everything throughout the day.
Flowers in full bloom from the garden centre were used as centrepieces, my bouquet of peonies; cut and given to me from my neighbors, bottles of my in-laws homemade Italian Chianti given as gifts.

If only Pinterest was around back then!. I could only imagine the possibilities to make a wedding even more special. Maybe I need to re-new my vows...:)
There were many memories from that night (including my makeup melting from the heat, breaking into our own house later that night because we misplaced our keys), but one stands out that I can relate to now.
Back before Soy candles were known, the only option was cheap, Parraffin made candles. Having to use these during the reception, only made for more work for my bridesmaids. The tealight candles kept going out and my bridesmaids were constantly replacing or re-lighting them.

How I wish I had known about Soy Candles back then!

Now I love being able to help Brides incorporate Soy Candles into their special day. Since Soy burns cooler and longer, it makes for one less thing to worry about.

Incorporating Soy candles into your wedding decor is Eco Friendly and can be an inexpensive, and classy way to evoke a feeling of romance. From using votives in glass holders or tealights surrounded by fresh flowers, Soy candles are a great way to create intimate ambiance. Plus by decorating this way, it saves by not having to use many costly floral centrepieces.

There is so much to talk about with using candles for your special day. Stay tuned for the next post as I will talk more about how to decorate with candles at your wedding as well as styling with scents.

I have a confession to make

We were honored to have helped out a customer recently. After an exhaustive search, she was thrilled to have found a candle company that meet her needs. One that was local, Canadian Made!,  and used North American sourced ingredients such as 100% Soy Wax, Essential Oils and was vegan.

While children's thoughts of the Easter bunny bring up images of Chocolate bunnies; for others, mostly adults, it brings up the iconic symbol of the bunny for cruelty free products.

Our products are guaranteed cruelty free and vegan. How so?. We use only Soy Wax, which is a plant based material. Many candles made with Parrafin,  have extra ingredients added. Things such as animal fat, which can give a candle a more marbled, textured look. Candles made from Palm oil often come from forests that have been clear cutted, leaving many species homeless or on the edge of extinction.

Our candles are made with high quality, ethically sourced materials and are created without: Animal ingredients, FD&C color, phthalates & parabens.
We choose to only use vendors that can guarantee the same degree of ethical standards. 

We do have to admit one tiny thing. Our wax is animal tested in our workshop....The joy of our workday, the delivery man's dread....our loveable furbabies CAN NOT resist sampling the wax!.

A truly natural product, our boys only comments are aside from a few extra pounds (eating pure vegetable oil will do that to you!) and a super shiny coat that turns heads where ever they go....

Earth hour 2014- how will you celebrate?

Our love for all things natural and that celebrate the environment is at the forefront of everything we do. Every action is not done without consideration of all involved, especially our environment.

On March 29, 2014, join us to celebrate Earth Hour.
Earth Hour was started 10 years ago by an Australian WWF initiative. It has grown to become a global community that is taking action towards a more sustainable future. A simple idea to switch off your lights for an hour has become the world's fastest growing environmental movement.

Electricity for lighting accounts for almost 20% of energy consumption and 6% of CO2 emissions worldwide. If not addressed immediately, global energy consumption for lighting will grow by 60% by the year 2030. Sounds like it is time to turn off the lights and light a candle!

Reverting back to simpler times is a big part of the movement.
In our household, it is a family event. A way to spend time with family & reflect on preserving our Planet. In our house, we celebrate for the evening, not just an hour. Dinner and game night by candlelight!.

If you are at a loss for ideas, here are a few suggestions:
v     Go for a walk around your neighborhood. You will be amazed at all the stars you can see when the lights are off.
v     If it is warm enough, run around and play a game of flashlight tag outside!
v     Switch off everything for the evening, not just the lights. IPads, phones, T.V.s.
v     Now that all of the lights are off, its a great time to switch out your light bulbs to energy efficient ones (if you have not done so already)
v     Host a fondue shindig!. Whether it be cheese or chocolate, use tealights (ahem, Natura tealights) to warm up your pot.
v     Music by candlelight?. Have a jam session!. Break out the instruments.

Rather than sitting in the dark, Earth Hour suggests people to light Soy or beeswax candles. Gentler on the planet, Soy Candles are smoke free, non-toxic and non-allergenic. Made of natural products, not petroleum-based materials, so they are effectively carbon neutral.

Please visit for more info. Share with your friends and commit for one evening!

How will you celebrate Earth Hour? #naturasoy and share with us how you celebrated your Earth Hour!

The care and maintenance of your candle

 Our candles are meant to be enjoyed. Here are some tips to help you get the best experience from your candles.

Never leave a burning candle unattended!

Blow out your candles before you leave a room or go to bed.

Create a memory
Candles have a memory. For best results, burn your candle long enough to achieve a full melt pool. Achieving a full melt pool especially during your first "burn", will help guarantee a great scent throw and prevent tunneling. We recommend a burn time of 3-4 hours at a time.

Votives are best burned in a tight fitting container
Soy wax is soft, it will crumble and lose it's shape without this.

Always keep your wicks trimmed 1/4"
This helps prevent any carbon clusters or residue. Our natural fiber wicks are self-trimming and are made to curl slightly when burning which help our candles to produce lower soot. Wicks can get awkward to trim with scissors and messy when using your fingers!. An investment in a wick trimmer is a good idea.
Should your wick create a large flame or starts flickering constantly, extinguish it. Let it cool completely. Re-trim the wick and re-light.

Burn candles on a heat resistant surface and away from drafts
Even though Soy Wax is cooler burning, do not burn your candle for hours on end. Burning for to long CAN cause overheating with the glass container. Do not touch or move your candle while burning. Keep away from children and pets.

Discontinue use when 1/2" of wax remains
If you want to keep your beautiful jar to use for the multitude of re-purposing ideas ideas that we have on our Pinterest board, here is how to clean it up. I like to use a simple butter knife, run it along the edges of the jar. This will pull away the excess wax. Dump the excess wax into the trash. Our soy wax is bio-degradable and cleans up with soap and water. Meaning, any trace amounts of wax, you can wash off or pop in the dishwasher. But never pour wax down your sink drain, it can clog.

Burn your candle!
So many customers admit that they have not used their candles. Burning them can make a candle smell better. And then when it is gone, it's time to get some more!


Are you getting your moneys worth?

Beware of that affordable Soy candle....

I have noticed while out shopping recently (such a treat to get out of the workshop!), the influx of very affordable Soy candles on the shelves.

The appealing colors defiantly caught my interest. Then came the enticing names and price tag!. How could a Soy candle cost so little?

It can cost very little when it is not a true Soy candle. Many candles found at your local grocery or big box store are Soy Blends.

Soy wax candles can be called Soy candles even if they are as little as 25% soy or vegetable wax.

What is the difference between a Soy Blend and a Soy Candle?

A Soy Blend candle is not a true Soy candle. Many are blended with Paraffin (to which is why the candle is very affordable). Some candle companies even consider their candles to be "soy candles" even though they are "blended" with paraffin wax.  Included in that Blend could also contain stearic acid—to which could be animal-derived fat from meatpacking plants.
Double check the label to see if it is really a blend!. If this is a concern, read ingredient lists or request more information before buying!

I checked the label at the store. Thankfully the manufacturer did disclose that the candle was a Soy Blend. Not all do and I appreciate that they disclosed this information.

We strive to make our candles affordable, but will never be at the same price point as to what you will find at a major box store or grocery chain. Our Soy Candles are made from 100% all natural waxes, which are Soy & Vegetable and handcrafted, never from a factory.

Health Benefits of Burning Soy Candles

Most of us know about burning candles in the summer to keep the bugs away,  yet many are not aware of the benefits of burning pure Essential Oil candles for health reasons. Considering the Cold & Flu season, with the Flu seeming to be epidemic in some areas, using essential oils can help you avoid or recover from it.

Researchers from the University of Southampton have found that adding essential oils to soy candles can destroy bugs.  
Dr Lindsey Gaunt and Sabrina Higgins said adding these oils to plug-in devices had a similar effect as well.

The researchers told a conference in Tokyo that adding oils to candles could be as effective as scrubbing with disinfectants.
The researchers believe that the oils react with ions in the wick and with oxygen to take on anti-bacterial properties. They said adding these essential oils to candles could help people to kill bacteria lurking in their homes. “I don’t think there would be any harm in doing that,” Dr Gaunt told BBC News Online. “But I wouldn’t advise people to stop using other methods to keep their homes clean and candles won’t get rid of dirt or grease.”
Source- BBC News Online

What are the most important Essential Oils to help fight off viruses?


Of all the essential oils, Tea Tree is one of the most powerful virus, bacteria and fungus fighters, as well as being a strong immune system stimulant, increasing the body's ability to fight off infections.

Tea Tree oil helps clear up colds and flus, as well as sinusitis, chest congestion, coughs, asthma and other bronchial problems.
Eucalyptus oil is the ultimate cold-fighting energizer.  It is great for respiratory problems such as asthma, colds and respiratory tract infections. Reviving energy levels, it relieves aches and pains and breaks up congestion. Plus it kills germs and bacteria. A winner! .

Also add in a bit of Lavender or Ylang Ylang Oil to melt away stress, tension and anxiety. It brings you to a state of deep, peaceful calm. Ylang Ylang can also assist with chasing away those winter blues!

How can you use Natura Soy Candles at this time of year? 


Our NaturaLites Candles are made with pure Aromatherapy oils and Soy wax, nothing else!. Since Soy Wax burns cooler and will not burn your skin, once melted, we like to CAREFULLY dip our finger into the jar and massage right into the soles of the feet.

Massaging oils into the soles of your feet is far more beneficial than on your chest.And who doesn't like a good foot rub?!

My Son has Cold induced Asthma. I like to keep a tin of softened waxes mixed with Eucalyptus & Tea Tree oil near his bed. When his cough acts up at night, putting this on his feet along with wool socks always seems to do the trick!

We also offer essential oil burners.  Light a Tealight underneath and place a few drops of essential oil in the top bowl.  This will disperse a very effective germ fighting aroma into the air!. Great to keep running throughout the winter months.

Along with proper sleep, clean diet including lots of Vitamin D! and hand washing, here's to staying healthy this season!