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Earth hour 2014- how will you celebrate?

Our love for all things natural and that celebrate the environment is at the forefront of everything we do. Every action is not done without consideration of all involved, especially our environment.

On March 29, 2014, join us to celebrate Earth Hour.
Earth Hour was started 10 years ago by an Australian WWF initiative. It has grown to become a global community that is taking action towards a more sustainable future. A simple idea to switch off your lights for an hour has become the world's fastest growing environmental movement.

Electricity for lighting accounts for almost 20% of energy consumption and 6% of CO2 emissions worldwide. If not addressed immediately, global energy consumption for lighting will grow by 60% by the year 2030. Sounds like it is time to turn off the lights and light a candle!

Reverting back to simpler times is a big part of the movement.
In our household, it is a family event. A way to spend time with family & reflect on preserving our Planet. In our house, we celebrate for the evening, not just an hour. Dinner and game night by candlelight!.

If you are at a loss for ideas, here are a few suggestions:
v     Go for a walk around your neighborhood. You will be amazed at all the stars you can see when the lights are off.
v     If it is warm enough, run around and play a game of flashlight tag outside!
v     Switch off everything for the evening, not just the lights. IPads, phones, T.V.s.
v     Now that all of the lights are off, its a great time to switch out your light bulbs to energy efficient ones (if you have not done so already)
v     Host a fondue shindig!. Whether it be cheese or chocolate, use tealights (ahem, Natura tealights) to warm up your pot.
v     Music by candlelight?. Have a jam session!. Break out the instruments.

Rather than sitting in the dark, Earth Hour suggests people to light Soy or beeswax candles. Gentler on the planet, Soy Candles are smoke free, non-toxic and non-allergenic. Made of natural products, not petroleum-based materials, so they are effectively carbon neutral.

Please visit for more info. Share with your friends and commit for one evening!

How will you celebrate Earth Hour? #naturasoy and share with us how you celebrated your Earth Hour!


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